Stacy's story - YMCA DownsLink Group

Stacy’s story

Stacy, a teenage girl with blonde hair smiling, wearing a red top.

Stacy was referred to our support and advice service after having trouble with her mental health. She has been working with one of our Mind the Gap Support Workers, Charlotte, for the past couple of months and has been feeling a lot happier in herself since.


Stacy tells us about it in her own words:

“I was dealing with self-harm and suicidal thoughts when I came here because of stress from exams and things like that, but since I started coming here I’ve not self-harmed in 41 days. It’s really helped me a lot. Charlotte has been encouraging me to get out more and sets me some tasks to achieve in the week, like trying a new food. It’s making me try more things which is really cool.

It’s really helpful speaking to Charlotte and I know that I’m not the only one going through these things. I overthink a lot and she helps me to rationalise it and tells me how completely normal it is. Telling Charlotte that I’ve completed the tasks that she’s set me is amazing too. It makes me feel really good about myself and I just feel so much happier since coming to see her.

From my personal experience, it’s been so good being able to be open with someone and Charlotte makes me feel really comfortable. I feel so much better in myself and I think that anyone who is struggling should try speaking to someone. With the Youth Advice Centre, they don’t pressure you, so if you don’t like it you don’t have to go back. I said to myself to just go to the first session and see how I feel and I really enjoyed it. So, I just kept coming back because each time I would learn more and feel happier. It’s great having a routine and having the time that’s just for me each week.

Everything is confidential, which is really reassuring, and I think having someone else to talk to and relate to makes me feel less alone.”

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