What is the Y’s Girls mentoring programme?
The Y’s Girls programme is an early and effective mentoring initiative that matches trained volunteer mentors from a range of different backgrounds in the Brighton & Hove community with female-identifying young people aged 9-14 years old to support them to overcome challenges and achieve their fullest potential in life.
Over a 12 month period, the mentors and young people will meet regularly and work together on identifying achievable goals to empower the mentees to take ownership of their own development and education and explore their dreams and interests. The sessions will offer an informal environment where the girls can discuss anything that might be worrying them whilst trying out new activities alongside their mentor.
Y’s Girls aims to help build resilience and reduce the likelihood of young girls developing mental health concerns, by developing their confidence, skills and engagement with their communities.
If you are a female-identifying young person aged 9-14 or a parent/carer and would like to receive support from Y’s Girls please get in touch.
Could you inspire and empower girls in your community as a Y’s Girls mentor?
We’re recruiting right now for friendly, dynamic, and compassionate people from all backgrounds to be Volunteer Mentors for Y’s Girls Mentoring.

To be a Mentor you don’t need to have any specific qualifications or experience – just a willingness to contribute 1-2 hours once a week, a passion for helping vulnerable young people to thrive and a commitment to providing consistent, reliable, and positive support. As a Volunteer Mentor you can have a huge impact on a vulnerable young person’s life – helping them to set goals, build emotional resilience and self-confidence, improve their school attainment and attendance, and reduce their risk of antisocial behaviour. Mentoring is an amazing opportunity to share your skills and experience, learn about yourself and give something back to your local community and have fun whilst doing it. Mentors can get involved in all sorts of activities with their mentees - anything from sport-based activities to pottery, singing, rollerblading, volunteering with animals…all sorts!
If you want to apply to be a volunteer mentor click here
for a job description and application form.

YMCA DLG is one of 10 YMCAs across England and Wales implementing the Y’s Girls programme, which adapts and replicates the successful Plusone Mentoring programme model designed by YMCA Scotland. Y’s Girls is generously funded by the Tampon Tax Fund.
To find out more about the project, please contact:
Y Girls Project Manager (Brighton & Hove): Kheya Moulton
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07392 879247